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* lisna_20

* lisna_20

* Groups Joined:

Star noises join
:: 100 percent FREE :: The freshest Tones & tracks in mp3 and other formats - Full MP3 tracks - NEW files daily - Requests taken - Over 2500 audio files NEW latest films & tv series,* join TODAY! * with 16,000+ members.
Come join the s*xiest loudest group in the world, are you looking for glorious ringtones and full length mp3s & albums??? could you do with a few of the latest MP4 films to download onto your iphone or android? or maybe you just want to pimp your phone/laptop up with some cool apps, themes & wallpapers. Well if you answer yes to all those then i think you just found digital heaven. / Not only can you download any item for FREE you can also add your own material in the files section, read...

Star funpix join
:::OI YOU LOOK HERE::: over *600* totally free gif animations & funny jpegs, stock items too for web designers over 2500 members - join today -
This group is dedicated to images and animations of the weird and wonderful kind with regular images of everything on the planet (and some off world ones to). in the group there are hundreds of original animations made by our members & other items taken off the net, stock animations for profiles and website design such as xmas themes etc and other cool gifs. --- Part of the Oggtronix network --- Keywords: Anime sci-fi cliparts graphics cartoons sports rock spongebob urban manga screensavers ...

Star Tauhid join
Belajar Tauhid
Kumpulan orang yang menuntut ilmu akhirat

Star xxx join
Love affairs

Forum bg pr pecinta Rasulullah SAW. Mencintai Rasulullah SAW adalah suatu keharusan. Tdk dikatakan iman kl tdk mencintai Rasulullah SAW.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillah, tiada pernah jemu qt panjatkn puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas nikmat-Nya yg tak terhingga. Shalawat serta salam terindah kepangkuan Baginda Agung Shohibus Syafa'ah, Rasulullah SAW. 4m grup ini dibuat untuk mengenang jasa2 dn perjuangan Rasulullah SAW, menganggungkan jiwa dan pribadi Beliau serta merindukan kasih sayang Beliau. 4m grup ini terbuka bg siapa sj khususnya bg umat islam.

Star UKHUWAH join
Mari jalin ukhuwah islamiyah,gerakkan islah dan bangunkan izzah

Star Alamislam join
Dskusi ttg islam
Marilah kt sama2 mmprdlm ilmu islam utk dpt mgmlknx.

Star indonesian join
tempat anak indonesia
gabung dunk tman tman, walau kita berbeda

Star Santri join
Pengajian Online
Siapa aja yg mau belajar or ngajar, atau diskusi, ngasih info, saran, nasihat, tausiyah, or mau tanya, tentang Islam secara global, silakan kerubungin group ini...

Star cintaku join
kepada siapa saja yg pernah jatuh cinta,atau berharap akan jatuh cinta lagi
tak ada keajaiban yg lebih menakjubkan selain cinta. bicaralah tentang cerita cinta atau kata2 cinta yg menyentuh hati.

Star Taubat join
Mati, adalah pasti....
Hidup cmn tara, bener2 cmn kyk mimpi, tau2 udah gede, n banyak dosa.... taubat adalah langkah awal bwt membersihkan diri lo.....

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