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* ozzborn

* ozzborn

* Groups Joined:

Star Adult25to35 join
25 to 35 only
Members found outside the age group will be banned.

Star Mixit join
Where you can tell people stuff
Chat room

Star CapeChat join
Extemely cape
Funky fresh, cape chat, taking cape town chatting 2 the extreme

Star MXIT-Sa join
A cheap chat application where people can chat on.
You can exchange numbers here and add it on your mxit. If u dont hav mxit download it at www.mxit.co.za/wap

Star Sharey0rart join
Share your art w0rk with evry0ne here
Sh0w ur w0rk t0 get 0pini0ns, ideas and tips 0n improving techniques and styles. Photography included

Star TheGreatArtist join
~(for every one who have talent)~
if you are an artist or you love art & paint, it is your chance to show every one that you are a great creative.here you can share another artists your interest,creativity,your own drawing works & every thing about art. enjoy it :-)

Star creativ join
For the people who like art.....
This grop is for the people who like creat art and wonderful picturus by ourselfs....and for them you jusl like art,comics and multics,or somfing els:)

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