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* rubyxann

* rubyxann 18 F

* Groups Owned:

Star Bawal join
I cant let u in here
.this is so private,its for the owner only.

Star Rubyxannpix join
..just a pix
.ahmp share ur pix here!!

Star BFF join
Mimi and ako
kami lang to nuh.

* Groups Joined:

Star ChRiS-bRoWn-LoVeRz join
aS u KaN SeE,ThiS iS a gRoUp FoR ChRiS bRoWn ::>LoVeRz<:: No HaTeRz aLLoWeD! So iF u aRe a HaTeR.. *!FawL BacK!*
iF YouR'rE a ChRiS bRoWn LoVeR,ThiS iS Tha gRoUp 4u! u'LL Be kEpT PosTeD oN ChRiS bRoWn NeWz,RuMoRz,ToUr DaTeZ,eTc.. JoiN 2Day!!

Star Mebeingsxc join
Girls join. Boys join only if invited

Star xxemanxx join
yeap yeap

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